About this event
Lone Star Chapter BMW CCA
Spring 2025 Driver's Education Weekend
May 24th, 2025
at the Motorsport Ranch in Cresson, TX
REGISTRATION CLOSES May 18th, 2025 at 11:59pm.
Come join the Lone Star Chapter BMW Car Club of America for a weekend of fun at the Motorsport Ranch in Cresson, TX. We will be running the 1.7 mile track. Cars of all makes are welcome although there are special requirements/restrictions for convertibles (see below).
This High Performance Driving School will give you the opportunity to drive your car at speed and to experience the potential of the unique combination of car and driver. It is safe, demanding and most importantly FUN! All students will alternate between classroom sessions and time on the track with an instructor. The individualized instruction is a key to this program that has been developed over decades, and compares very favorably with commercial schools costing many times more. Our experienced instructors have come from racing, autocrossing and BMW CCA driving schools.
Driving School Event Fees:
Advanced Level Solo Students $250
Novice/Beginner and approved Intermediate Level students $275
NOTE: BMWCCA Membership is required for all students. Don't worry, all makes are welcome, and membership starts at $58.
SPECIAL DEAL: If this is your first HPDE EVER, please reach out to our registrar at treasurer@lscbmwcca.org and ask for our special first-timer discount code that will be equal to the membership fee.
For this, and all future Lone Star Chapter BMWCCA Driver's Education events, ALL PAID Driver registrants MUST BE ACTIVE BMWCCA members, and your member number will be automatically verified by the registration system before your registration is complete. If your membership has lapsed, or if you have yet to become a BMWCCA member, please visit www.bmwcca.org to renew or enroll BEFORE completing this event registration. New or newly-renewed memberships are activated overnight so they may not be immediately validated if purchased the same day you are registering.
Run Groups
Instructors and student classing / run groups: Students are assigned to one of three student run groups Novice, Intermediate, Advanced commensurate with their experience. Beginner students should select the Novice run group. Drivers with previous, documented and verifiable experience must update your driving history in the motorsportreg.com history area of your registration profile and register for the appropriate run group for which they have previously participated in or qualified for if promoted. Our event Chief Driving Instructor (CDI) reserves the right to review your driving history and reassign your run group based on his assessment of your driving history. Instructor supervision is required at all times while you are on the track. Helmet intercoms (provided by the instructors) are used between the student and instructor to facilitate communication.
Event requirements
CONVERTIBLE DRIVERS - Please pay particular attention to the convertible rules below!
PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT BEFORE YOU REGISTER - It contains valuable information about the school, registration, and the rules of the day. Forms mentioned in this text are immediately available via the links. You might want to print it for future reference
- Students must be 18 years of age or older with a valid driver's license - no exceptions.
- All PAYING drivers must be BMWCCA members with active/paid BMWCCA memberships or associate memberships in their name.
- Trucks, pickups, vans and SUVs including all BMW X SAV's are not permitted at this Driving School.
- Lotus Elise and Corvettes with a targa roof are allowed, but Corvette soft top convertibles are not.
- SPEC MIATAS and SPEC Boxsters with full cage including front overhead bar are permitted (please note this as your car type if it's what you have).
- NEW SINCE 2023 - Vehicles with integrated retractable factory non-removable hardtops are NOT considered convertibles for this requirement and are ALLOWED to participate without restriction
- The specific reference can be found here under the DRIVING EVENT MINIMUM STANDARDS COMPLIANCE ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES which begins on page 17 of the PDF file. Rollbar requirements start on page 30. If link doesn't work, here is full address: https://www.bmwcca.org/system/files/Driving-Events-Manual_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0.pdf
- ALL STUDENT VEHICLES MUST HAVE A SEAT FOR BOTH THE DRIVER AND THE PASSENGER. We would strongly prefer that Instructor vehicles also have two equivalent seats so that you are able to take your students on-track for instructional ride(s). Equivalent safety gear must be provided for both seats. If a student/instructor car has a racing seat with a multi-point harness for the driver, the same should be present in the passenger seat.
- NO RIDERS other than registered instructors are permitted IN A STUDENT VEHICLE at-speed, even in the highest Advanced run group. Non-participant (visitors or guests) riders are only permitted on-track at-speed in instructor vehicles during BMWCCA events. Riders must be over 16 years of age, must have signed the waiver and have a wristband indicating they have done so, No passengers/riders are permitted in vehicle rear seats on-track at-speed at any time.
This is NOT a Racing School: Our Driving School mission is to improve your driving skills while having fun. Our goal is to teach you safe driving skills and habits in a controlled situation. We hope what you learn will benefit you in your normal day-to-day driving, especially when confronted with emergency situations. We will emphasize the relationship of the driver and vehicle, how to make them function in unison, and give you the opportunity to learn your limitations and expand your capabilities. Our Instructors have a lot of driving experience to mentor students. Only registered and approved instructors are permitted in student vehicles. Personal coaches are not permitted on-track with students. We also will not accept requests for 'preferred instructors.'
Students are assigned to three different run groups - NOVICE, INTERMEDIATE, ADVANCED. NOVICE and INTERMEDIATE run group students will each have an instructor for the weekend. Advanced students new to our events may start the weekend with an instructor/evaluator for a check ride. All run group assignments will be reviewed by the Chief Driving Instructor (CDI) and run group assignment adjustments may be made at his sole discretion. Please make sure your user profile is up-to-date with your current email address and phone number in case the CDI needs to reach out to you with questions.
Driving School Requirements: To maximize your track time and insure you get adequate instruction, the event is run on a tight schedule. Adherence to the schedule requires your cooperation and will allow us to get through the preliminaries quickly. Gates to the track will open at 6:30 AM, and registration begins at 6:45 AM. You must arrive in sufficient time to be unloaded, prepped and ready for the driver's meeting at 7:15 AM. All individuals entering the track property must sign the Release and Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement. You must read it carefully and understand what you are signing. Minors are allowed in the facility, but both parents or guardians must sign a Minor's Waiver Form on their behalf at the track. After signing the waivers, proceed immediately to the paddock area and unload everything from your car, glove compartment, storage bins and trunk. Please remove floor mats, loose change,
radar detectors and everything that is not firmly attached. A properly secured spare tire may remain in the car if you choose. Be sure to arrive with a full tank of fuel. Bring plenty of water (1 gallon per person) or other hydrating drinks. Water is best! Also bring a folding chair, hat, sunscreen, appropriate clothes (including long cotton pants for when driving) and protection from the wind and weather. Be ready to attend the mandatory Driver's Meeting at 7:15 AM. This is the most important meeting of the day!
Mandatory Vehicle Inspection: A technical inspection is required of all cars, and must be completed prior to the school. This is to check the condition of your vehicle, especially the parts that will be critical for an event like this. Tech inspection forms must be downloaded from the forms page here. Most safety equipment will be checked: tires, brakes, brake fluid, battery hold-downs, seat belts and more. If there is any doubt about the condition of your equipment, have it replaced. New tires are not required or necessarily recommended. The inspection can be completed by your mechanic (expect a charge) and should be done about 20-30 days before the event in case any issues are found that must be resolved. DO NOT PUT THIS OFF! History has shown that many drivers who
wait until the last few days to have their car inspected usually find a major issue that can't be resolved before the event - resulting in cancellations and forfeited registration fees. It is also strongly recommended that your vehicle have a new set of brake pads and rotors that are in good condition as this track is high speed and very demanding on brakes and brake systems. If you wait until the last few days before the event and find that your car will not pass the technical inspection and you can't get it corrected in time, you may be subject to a significant cancellation penalty or forfeiture of entry fees. Instructors may conduct their own technical inspections but must still turn in the form at check-in.
Helmets and Safety: Safety is our first priority. You should have your own driving helmet. You can use M-rated (motorcycle) or SA-rated (auto racing) helmets, but they must be certified SNELL 2015 or SNELL 2020 helmets only! If it is rated properly there will be a SNELL 2015 or SNELL 2020 sticker on the outside of the helmet, or on the inside (may be beneath or behind the padding). Be advised that many helmets have a DOT rating which will not be accepted unless it also has the SNELL 2015 (or newer) rating sticker on it. SNELL 2005 and 2010 rated helmets are no longer valid. Both students and instructors are required to wear approved (per the above) helmets while on the track. Cars,
drivers and instructors judged to be operating in an unsafe manner will be removed from the track and no refunds will be given. No glass beverage containers are permitted at any time. No alcoholic beverages are permitted on the premises while cars are on the track. Students are not allowed to take passengers on the track at any time -- absolutely no exceptions. Only registered students and instructors are allowed to drive on the track.
Medical Information: Please complete the medical information form that will be kept on file for the on-site medical personnel in case of an emergency. Please fold the form in half, tape/staple and write your name on the outside for quick access. These forms are for emergency use only, and are shredded after the event. Separately from this form, you are required to inform us of any condition that might impair your ability to perform the tasks expected of a student in this school, impede your ability to communicate with your instructor, or that would impair your ability to exit the vehicle in case of an incident.
Cancellation Details: Cancellations must be requested by emailing BOTH the Event Chair Audrey Wiseman at audreywiseman430@gmail.com and our registrar at treasurer@lscbmwcca.org. Cancellations received on or before the cancellation deadline of MIDNIGHT on April 31st, 2024 will be charged $50.00 per driver. Our event policy is that there are absolutely NO refunds for cancellations requested on May 1st or later.
Wait list: If you are one of the first on the wait list, please have your car ready with a passing technical inspection and be ready to go. Assume you might get in! When an opening becomes available we will contact those on the waiting list in the order they registered.
Remember that it is your responsibility to:
- Have a technical inspection performed on your car
- Bring your completed Tech Inspection Form
- Bring your completed Medical Information Form
- Bring your helmet, lots of water, sunscreen, hat, full tank of gas, money for lunch
- Read the Schedule and be sure you arrive on time to prepare your car and attend the MANDATORY DRIVERS MEETING
Are you insured on track? Now you can be! Good news for track rats: The BMW Car Club of America has announced a partnership with Lockton Risk Services to provide a high-performance driving event insurance program, delivering affordable insurance to the many BMWCCA enthusiasts involved in performance driving events. Click Here...
More information on what to expect at an HPDE (shamelessly borrowed from the Rocky Mountain BMWCCA Chapter)
- Read Mark Winey's article about his first driving school experience
- View David Jobush's 2007 driving school introduction video
Make sure that all of your contact information is correct within your MotorsportReg.com profile including:
- Your full name
- Your current and valid BMWCCA membership number is entered into your profile (will be verified with BMWCCA National).
- Your current home /mailing address (in case of cancellation/refund requests)
- Your phone number including cell/mobile number
- Your emergency contact information - name and phone number
- Your driving history showing driving school events you have completed. This is particularly important if you have not participated in any BMWCCA driving school events within the Texas region. This will help us gauge your experience so that we can ensure you meet the requirements, and to ensure you are registered in the correct student run group
For questions regarding the event, contact the Event Coordinator Audrey Wiseman @ audreywiseman430@gmail.com or the Event Registrar Matt Dashiell @ treasurer@lscbmwcca.org